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Showing 261 - 280 of 332 Posts

Man Wins 2011 Amway Hero Award for Generosity

By the end of this week, twelve families in Guatemala will have a home, a direct result of one man's philanthropic efforts. For the last seven years, Floridian Tim Foley has traveled to work in a small town in Guatemala constructing houses for low-income families. Since 2005, Tim and his team have already built 54 homes. For his selflessness, he won the 2011 Amway Hero Award for Generosity.

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Man Wins 2011 Amway Hero Award for Generosity

By the end of this week, twelve families in Guatemala will have a home, a direct result of one man's philanthropic efforts. For the last seven years, Floridian Tim Foley has traveled to work in a small town in Guatemala constructing houses for low-income families. Since 2005, Tim and his team have already built 54 homes. For his selflessness, he won the 2011 Amway Hero Award for Generosity.

60 People Join Largest-ever Organ Exchange After Good Samaritan Donates Initial Kidney

What made the domino chain of 60 operations possible was the willingness of a Good Samaritan, Rick Ruzzamenti, to give an initial kidney after a flash of inspiration, expecting nothing in return. Its momentum was then fueled by a mix of selflessness and self-interest among donors who gave a kidney to a stranger after learning they could not donate to a loved one because of incompatible blood types or antibodies. Their loved ones, in turn, were offered compatible kidneys as part of the exchange.