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Billionaire Gives $10mil to Keep Head Start Open for Poor Children

Billionaire Gives $10mil to Keep Head Start Open for Poor Children
A billionaire hedge fund manager has given $10 million of his own money to pay for pre-school programs that would have shut down October 1 with the US Government shutdown. Laura and John Arnold tapped into their personal fortune to reopen Head Start programs for one month to benefit 7000 children in poor families in six states.

A billionaire hedge fund manager has given $10 million of his own money through his foundation to pay for pre-school programs that would have shut down October 1 because of the U.S. Government shutdown.

Laura and John Arnold have tapped their personal fortune to reopen seven Head Start programs for one month to benefit 7000 children from poor families throughout six states.

"We believe that it is especially unfair that young children from underprivileged communities and working families pay the price for the legislature's collective failures," the Arnolds said in a statement Monday.

(READ the story from NBC News)

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