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Taylor Swift's $50K Donation to Sick Girl Causes GoFundMe to Raise Limits

Taylor Swift's $50K Donation to Sick Girl Causes GoFundMe to Raise Limits
Taylor Swift's generous giving has inspired a popular crowdfunding site to change its tune when it comes to fundraising limits.

A pop star's generous gift has inspired a popular crowdfunding site to change its tune when it comes to fundraising limits.

Taylor Swift donated $50,000 earlier this month to a young fan named Naomi who is battling an aggressive form of leukemia. Her family had set up a GoFundMe page to offset medical costs for her treatment.

The website previously only allowed donations up to $15,000, but because of the musician's generosity the limit was raised to $50,000.

"Taylor Swift's donation was so generous that it required us to increase the donation limit on the platform," said Rob Solomon, GoFundMe CEO. "What Ms. Swift has done for Naomi and others can inspire the next generation of giving."

In fact, Swift has given more money than any other donor in the history of GoFundMe, and her attention to particular campaigns has caused a far reaching ripple effect and more donations.


In the past, she's also donated $15,000 to a Texas firefighter who saved his wife and son from a car crash. She's also known for giving her fans all sorts of surprises.

Photo: Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer, CC and Story Tip: Joel Arellano

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