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Good Samaritan Aids Traveler on his way to Damascus

When Jackie related the incident to her son, he flipped. “Are you crazy? Haven’t you heard of car-jackers!!” She said it never crossed her mind. It felt from the start that it was right. “I knew I was meant to help this young man. I had no fear.

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Strangers Give Young Fiancé His Dying Wish: A Disney Honeymoon

Four years ago, Nolan was diagnosed with brian cancer. After many treatments and interventions, doctors say they can do no more for him. Despite his terrible illness, the determined athlete still wants to marry his fiancée and take her on a honeymoon to Disney World. The couple was left dirt poor from major health bills so a fundraising page at GiveForward.com was set up to ask for donations. Strangers responded in a big way.

Vancouver Takes Toy Donations to Clear Unpaid Parking Tickets

Vancouver's parking enforcement agency awakened the spirit of Christmas early in a one-day toy drive yesterday for residents with unpaid tickets. To benefit children served by The Salvation Army's Belkin House, violators were invited to trade new toys in exchange for forgiveness of all their parking fines.

Finding "Lost Lots" to Make More Parks in LA

Over the last few years, Los Angeles and other cities have been moving to convert vacant lots, underused city streets, utility corridors, traffic medians and alleys into small parks, plazas, bikeways and pedestrian corridors so urban residents have green havens within a 10-minute walk.

Kentucky Facebook Users Rally to Help Homeless Woman Find Shelter in Cold

Over the years, a homeless woman known as Dorothy with her carts filled with plastic bags became a familiar fixture to Lexington residents. She had always refused any invitation to accept shelter, preferring to sleep outside, whatever the weather. But things changed this past weekend, with the approaching arctic blast and its promise of temperatures that could induce frostbite.

In Rare Deal, Israel, Jordan, Palestinians Shake Hands Over Something: Water

The Dead Sea, which faces a rapidly shrinking water level, has been a source of constant quarreling in a water-scarce region plagued by seemingly endless political turmoil. But, on Monday, in a moment of rarity, Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority signed a historic agreement at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C., aimed at fostering water cooperation and initiating a project to help save the body of water.

Young Indonesians Green Their Concrete City

Young Indonesians are breathing new life into their polluted concrete capital city with little more than buckets of soil and seeds. A group of mostly young professionals are converting vacant patches of land - once eyesores -- between Jakarta's skyscrapers into lush green vegetable gardens.

Before City Pool Closes for the Year, They Let All the Dogs Go for Swim

In Idaho, when the 'dog days of summer' are over and the Nampa public pool is about to close, a new clientele comes to play: The "Pooch Pool Party" allows dogs to take a swim before the water is drained for the year. The annual dog-only swimming event began in 2007 as an idea to raise money to help build the Nampa Dog Park

Solar Kiosk Debuts in Ethiopia, Brings First Electricity to Remote Villages

A German company has installed its first clean energy kiosk in rural Ethiopia powered by rooftop solar panels. The self-contained SolarKiosk functions as a small-scale power company for surrounding villages that have no electricity. The large metal roadside booth, which can hold 6-8 people inside, is expected to provide enough power for villagers to charge their mobile phones and car batteries, run a computer, and power its own solar fridge, which might offer the only refrigeration for miles.