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Vancouver Takes Toy Donations to Clear Unpaid Parking Tickets

Vancouver Takes Toy Donations to Clear Unpaid Parking Tickets
Vancouver's parking enforcement agency awakened the spirit of Christmas early in a one-day toy drive yesterday for residents with unpaid tickets. To benefit children served by The Salvation Army's Belkin House, violators were invited to trade new toys in exchange for forgiveness of all their parking fines.

Vancouver's parking enforcement agency awakened the spirit of Christmas early in a one-day toy drive yesterday for residents with unpaid tickets.

To benefit children served by The Salvation Army's Belkin House, violators were invited to trade new toys in exchange for forgiveness of all their parking fines..

Staff working at the toy drive, cheered when people brought in armfuls of gifts.

An IMPARK official called the one-for-one exchange a win-win.

"We forgo a bunch of money and that's OK. If people save money on their fines and children receive gifts, everyone wins."

(READ the story from the Vancouver Sun)

Story Tip from Rhona Young

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