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Showing 221 - 240 of 374 Posts

Thousands Cheer Nepal's Deflating of King

Nepal's restored parliament voted unanimously in favor of reducing the king's power to that of a ceremonial figurehead with no control of the army. Tens of thousands of Nepalese celebrated in the streets when they heard the news yesterday.

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China, India Once Food Aid Recipients, Now Food Donors

In the same year it stopped receiving global food aid, China emerged as the world's third largest food donor. Another success story is India's transformation from a recipient of food aid in 2000 to becoming the 15th largest donor to the World Food Programme in 2005.

Millennium Trees

Last month, some of the internally displaced people from the conflicts in South Ossetia and Abkhazia planted 1,000 trees with the support of the Red Cross of Georgia.

Gates Foundation Funds Bold Ideas Including Dirt-Charged Cell Phones and Human Waste Fertilizer

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Thursday announced 88 new winners of $100,000 grants to support innovative research that has the potential to dramatically improve lives in some of the world's poorest countries. The funding, made possible through the Grand Challenges Exploration program, will enable researchers worldwide to test unorthodox ideas that address persistent health and development challenges.

Charity Pays For Cancer Victim's Wedding

34 year-old Jessica Keenan has level 4 breast cancer and was struggling to balance her finances due to the costs involved with battling the disease.Her dreams of getting married have been granted by The Dream Foundation and a vast number of donators who have joined the cause.

In Africa, a Papercraft Path Out of Poverty

Poor Ugandan women who were living on the streets begging for food, have now turned their lives around after joining BeadForLife, a small Colorado-based nonprofit group dedicated to eliminating poverty through handcrafts.

Hurricane Sandy Heroes: High School Coach Braves Icy Waters to Save Dozens

As he inched through the churning, chest-deep water, Jay Price struggled to distinguish one potential catastrophe from the next as he and his comrades from the Manasquan Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 kept pushing forward, chest deep in the rushing water, to reach another stranded person in their homes and rescue them to the safety of their M35 Army cargo truck, one by one through the chaotic night.

Filipino Street Kid Wins $130,000 Peace Prize

An abused Filipino child who lived off a garbage dump has won a prestigious award for the work of his children's charity, which benefits his fellow street kids. Cris Kesz Valdez, aged 13, was handed this year's International Children's Peace Prize at a glittering ceremony in The Hague on Wednesday, where he received a $130,000 prize presented by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.