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Showing 201 - 220 of 374 Posts

'Solar Suitcase' Saving Moms, Babies During Childbirth

In some African countries, a lack of reliable electricity is to blame for hundreds of deaths each year during childbirth. Dr. Laura Stachel witnessed this tragic truth during a trip to Nigeria five years ago and with the help of her husband, a solar energy educator, started delivering a solution: solar energy in a suitcase.

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Sunflowers Planted in Japan to Absorb Radiation and Lift Hopes

To combat excessive radiation levels in the agricultural regions surrounding the Fukashima nuclear plant, monks at a Japanese Buddhist temple began growing and distributing sunflowers, which are known to absorb radiation. Hundreds of thousands of flowers are now in bloom, spurring deeper connections between people in Fukushima and the rest of the country.

World On Track to Cut Poverty in Half, But Turner and Gates Called in to Boost Other Goals

Despite the global economic downturn, the world is still on track to meet a key U.N. goal of halving the number of people living on less than $1 a day by 2015, according a UN report. Other Millenium Goals are not similarly on track, so UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon created a star-powered committee that will try to spark progress against all eight welfare problems named in the goals.

Historic Anti-Terror Victory: US Officially Recognizes Somalia

For the first time since 1991, the United States is officially recognizing the government of Somalia, a country in chaos since the 1990's overrun by warlords. President Hassan Sheikh was welcomed at the State Department in Washington, DC for an official ceremony with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who had made securing Somalia a personal priority of her four years in office.

Wars are on the Wane Worldwide

The world has become dramatically more peaceful since 1992, according to the Human Security Report. The number of wars, coup d'etats, and acts of genocide has declined by 40 percent. Weapons sales between countries have dropped 33 percent during the same time, and the number of refugees has diminished by 45 percent.

The Link Between Violence and What We Eat

There is a striking correlation between violence and nutrients in the diet. A clinical trial at the US government's National Institutes for Health and earlier studies involving people with violent records found that those given supplements have been able for the first time to control their anger and aggression.

Historic Moment for Democracy in Nepal

The Maoist rebels in Nepal are ready for peace talks with the new governmentinstalled after the collapse of the monarchy when riots forced the king to reinstall a parliament and cited this as a historic moment