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Hurricane Sandy Heroes: High School Coach Braves Icy Waters to Save Dozens

Hurricane Sandy Heroes: High School Coach Braves Icy Waters to Save Dozens
As he inched through the churning, chest-deep water, Jay Price struggled to distinguish one potential catastrophe from the next as he and his comrades from the Manasquan Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 kept pushing forward, chest deep in the rushing water, to reach another stranded person in their homes and rescue them to the safety of their M35 Army cargo truck, one by one through the chaotic night.

As he inched through the churning, chest-deep water, Jay Price struggled to distinguish one potential catastrophe from the next. Fifty-foot oak trees snapped in violent crackles like broomsticks all around him. The 60 mph winds howled like a freight train. Broken telephone poles torpedoed over the top of him.

Price and his comrades from the Manasquan Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 kept pushing forward, chest deep in the rushing water, to reach another stranded person in their homes and rescue them to the safety of their M35 Army cargo truck, one by one through the chaotic night.

Since the storm, Price, has worked tirelessly in the town and enlisted the 94 members of his football team at Manasquan High School — where he is the head coach — to help in the recovery and cleanup efforts.

(READ the story, w/ photo, in New Jersey.com)

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