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Charity Pays For Cancer Victim's Wedding

Charity Pays For Cancer Victim's Wedding
34 year-old Jessica Keenan has level 4 breast cancer and was struggling to balance her finances due to the costs involved with battling the disease.Her dreams of getting married have been granted by The Dream Foundation and a vast number of donators who have joined the cause.

34 year-old Jessica Keenan has level 4 breast cancer and was struggling to balance her finances due to the costs involved with battling the disease. She and her fiancé were even forced to rent with friends. On the advice of her nurses she wrote to The Dream Foundation with her hopes that a cure will be found, and her dream to get married and have children one day.

The foundation, which fulfills wishes for terminally ill adults, has already fulfilled 7,000 dreams.

Jessica's dreams of getting married have been granted by The Dream Foundation and a vast number of donators who  took up the cause, thanks to the website's "Adopt a Dream" page.  This Saturday, January 24, is her wedding day. (See the Read photos and story at CNN)


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