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How to Win Money for Losing Weight and Getting Fit

HealthyWage and other websites now offer money in exchange for improving your health and fitness. HealthyWage isn't the only company to jump on the motivation money train. Competitors such as DietBet.com, GymPact and StickK ask users to put their hard-earned cash on the line in hopes of getting healthy and wealthy.

Still Eating Yoplait? General Mills Has Cut the Sugar by 25%

The American yogurt culture, so to speak, has greatly benefited from the overwhelming trend toward healthier Greek brands in the past decade. But, if you are still eating the more commercial sweetened types of yogurt, there is a bit of good news for you as General Mills announced they are cutting the sugar in their Yoplait Original by 25 percent.

The Corporate Pursuit of Happiness

A Stanford marketing professor is teaching her students -- and company execs with AOL, Facebook, and Adobe -- how to find and export joy. happiness class to Graduate School of Business students are clamoring to get into her happiness class at one of the country's leading business schools

Happy Adolescents Likely to Have Higher Incomes as Adults

Are you sure money can't buy you happiness? New research suggests that the relationship between money and happiness and is far more complex. Two leading economists claim that the happiness levels of teens clearly determined the likelihood of whether they would go on to earn higher incomes later in life.

Ice Cream Company Delivers Joy Across Afghanistan

In a nation wrenched by decades of war, perhaps it is no surprise that one of Afghanistan's most successful brands manufactures what is sorely lacking in the country: joy. The Herat ice cream factory dips vanilla bars in chocolate, and creates orange sorbets and frozen cones that are sold in each of the country's 34 provinces, a rare success for a business benefitting from no foreign investment.

Are You Happy? Ben Bernanke Wants to Know

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said Monday that gauging happiness can be as important for measuring economic progress as determining whether inflation is low or unemployment high. Economics is also about understanding and promoting the enhancement of well-being, which is the ultimate objective of our policy decisions

DC Commuters Have Happy Mondays Thanks to Man Waving Uplifting Signs

Bleary-eyed drivers entering Washington, DC on Monday mornings, are jolted into happiness by people waving with signs with optimistic slogans from the side of the road. Held by 29-year-old Massoud Adibpour and 4 other volunteers, the signs were scrawled with uplifting messages: "Honk if you love someone!"; "Be happy"; "Don't be so hard on yourself"; and, "Smile!"

Happy Employees, Culture of 'Weirdness' Equals Success for Green Products Company Method

Since Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan launched Method in 2000, to sell pretty bottles of eco-friendly soaps and cleaners in glowing pastel colors, the company has grown into a $100 million (£62.3m) company. Their company's culture of keeping it weird is a social mission that keeps employees happy. To stay focused on employee happiness and high-end innovative design is the business model.

Workers' Happiness Rubs Off on Customers, Profits

In the past five years, the financial industry has taken a drubbing with plunging profits, allegations of improper behavior, and customer backlash against rising fees. But various sources list one bank as a best place to work, and its practices may provide a blueprint to other companies on how to keep workers engaged even during tough times. Umpqua Bank is known as the world's best bank.

Ellen Helps Skype to Surprise Deserving School With $50,000 (WATCH)

Ellen was excited to surprise two of her favorite teachers with a huge gift from Skype. They teach in a Title 1 school, which means more than 50% of students qualify for free lunches. The kids and their classrooms don't have enough money for supplies and other basic needs, so teachers often end up paying out of their own pocket.

Proof in the Profits: America's Happiest Companies Make More Money

Every year around this time, a new edition of the "100 Best Companies To Work For" is released. These are the companies that go out of their way to keep their employees happy in their jobs. But is there a direct connection between having happy workers and a company making more money? One person who may have the answer is Jerome Dodson, the founder of Parnassus Investments, which created a mutual fund that invests exclusively in large American firms proven to have outstanding workplaces.

Study Shows We Work Harder If We're Given Chocolate

Economists testing the idea that happy employees work harder found that doses of chocolate or laughter made people 12% more productive at their jobs. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Warwick, included four different experiments with more than 700 participants.

Study: Talking to Other Commuters on Trains is Not a Drag After All

Commuters in a Chicago area train station were asked to participate in an experiment. Instead of remaining isolated, like most commuters do, they agreed to talk to the stranger next to them. Cy the end of the train ride, commuters who talked to a person nearby reported having a more positive experience than those who had sat in solitude.

iPhone 4S Introduces Amazing Features to Assist the Blind

Plenty has been written about the new iPhone 4S, but one little known feature is the amazingly thoughtful AssistiveTouch. Now, you can literally turn the screen off if you're blind and operate everything — do your e-mail, surf the Web, adjust settings, run apps — by tapping and letting the phone speak what you're touching.