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Google Rigs its Technology so Sick Boy Can Virtually Throw Ceremonial Pitch From Miles Away

Google Rigs its Technology so Sick Boy Can Virtually Throw Ceremonial Pitch From Miles Away
13-year-old Nick LeGrande has always dreamed of throwing out the first pitch at an Oakland Athletics baseball game. Now with a life-threatening illness and too sick to take the mound, Nick was granted his wish Wednesday night though the use of amazing Android technology.

13-year-old Nick LeGrande has always dreamed of throwing out the first pitch at an Oakland Athletics baseball game. Wednesday night, with a life-threatening illness and too sick to take the mound, Nick was granted his wish through the use of Android technology and the kindness of Google.

The cross-country pitch in Kansas City was made possible by a telerobotic pitching machine that received signals from Nick's own pitching motion. Nick viewed a big screen that televised the field and the catcher who was waiting at the plate for the robotic toss.

In explaining the process, Google said that LeGrande would use an Android application allowing him to control the movements of the robot in Oakland. That robot was equipped with a camera, livestreaming a view of the ballpark to LeGrande in Kansas City.

(WATCH the video below or READ the story in from KPIX- San Francisco)

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