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MLK Day: Ex-White Supremacist Thanks Black Teen Who Said No to Violence in 1996

Arno Michaelis was once a thriving member of the Neo-Nazi movement who frequented white supremacist rallies, until single parenthood and love for his daughter changed him This week he wrote a short tribute to Keshia Thomas, a black teenager who during a 1996 KKK rally saved the life of a white supremacist in danger of being killed by a mob of counter-demonstrators.

People Today Are Happier Than Ever, Study Says

From a cursory glance, with the recession sending thousands of unemployed millennials back to mom and dad's house, it would seem that anyone born within the last 20-odd years is in bad shape. But according to the results of a new study (and contrary to the opinion of anyone claiming that "the good old days" have come and gone), each new generation is happier than ones that came before it. What the heck do they have to be so smiley about?

Portlanders Gather to Remember Iconic Street Performer Who Died

Portlanders are remembering a man who for five years played music, did magic tricks and smiled at cars from a sidewalk corner bordering the city's Hawthorne Bridge. Rain or shine, and always dressed in a white tuxedo and Mickey Mouse ears, Kirk Reeves could be seen entertaining passers by. The city came together for a memorial under the bridge Sunday and fans are raising money to place a marker on the spot where he performed daily.

Resuscitated Voter Almost Dies, Asks, 'Did I vote?'

Sometimes dead men really do get to vote. An elderly Michigan couple was filling out their absentee ballots in Michigan, when the man suddenly died. Luckily, a nearby nurse resuscitated the man, who, upon regaining consciousness, only cared about one thing -- voting.

Abortions Hit New Low in U.S.

According to new data released Wednesday, the number and rate of abortions in the U.S. have fallen to their lowest level in decades. The study of data from 47 states by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the rate in 2013 was 12.5 abortions per one thousand women, ages 15 to 44— down five […]

Halloween Candy is Safe, After All

Once again we set out on Halloween to de-bunk the myth that trick-or-treat candy is in need of an x-ray before our children are allowed to dig in. There has never been a single confirmed serious injury from "tainted treats" having been altered by a stranger since fears began spreading among the public in the late 50's.

Political Reform of Gerrymandering is Good News From California Elections

An important political revolution is quietly unfolding in California. Two recent voting reforms promise to profoundly alter the election landscape -- for the better. One changed the way legislative and congressional districts are drawn, removing the function from the grasp of politicians, and the other is the new top-two primary.

Forgiving the Unforgivable

Amy, a 26 year-old blue-eyed blonde valedictorian from Stanford, was stoned and stabbed to death in Africa in 1993. Now, her parents work where she works, alongside her killers whom they have forgiven.