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U.S. Violent Crime Down for 5th Straight Year

U.S. Violent Crime Down for 5th Straight Year
Violent crime in the United States fell for a fifth straight year in 2011, dropping 4 percent, and the number of murders dropped to the lowest in more than four decades, the FBI said this week.

Violent crime in the United States fell for a fifth straight year in 2011 and the number of murders dropped to the lowest in more than four decades, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Monday.

U.S. violent crime rates, which include murder, rape, robbery and assault, dropped 4 percent in 2011 from the previous year. In addition, property crime, covering burglary, larceny and motor vehicle theft, edged down by just 0.8 percent, marking the ninth consecutive annual drop in property crimes.

(READ the story from Reuters News)

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