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Gutsy British WWII Hero was a Woman, and a Muslim Princess

In a time of anti-Islamic sentiment in Britain, it is important to remember that in the last century alone, hundreds of thousands of Muslims volunteered to fight for Britain — especially during World Wars I and II — with many sacrificing their lives. 70 years ago marked the death of an especially gutsy and unlikely war hero — a woman who was a Muslim princess.

Painting for Peace in Ferguson

While most of the headlines have depicted scenes of unrest and riots, many positive things have been going on in Ferguson. Missouri — stories the national headlines missed. Painting for Peace is one of them.

Mauritania Fights to End Racism

Since it gained its independence from France in 1960 Mauritania has struggled with ethnic tension between Arab and Afro-Mauritanians, but a new democratically-elected government is trying to heal the pattern of ethnic division.

Abe and his Barbecue Chase Racism From Mississippi Rib Joint

Pat Davis was just 10 years old when two black men came into his father's barbecue joint in the heart of the Mississippi Delta in 1947. A huge fuss ensued, with four racists shouting every name in the book. "My daddy went over to their table and said, 'These are people who want to eat just like you want to eat. You don't bother them. You leave them alone.'

Latina Sisters Aimed High, Defying Low Expectations

For the few Latino students living in Lincoln, Nebraska in the 1960's, the school's expectations were low. The high school counselor told Linda Hernandez not to take the SAT or ACT tests because she was Hispanic. Luckily, her brother marched into the school and told the counselors, My sisters will take the test.

Southern Baptists Elect 1st Black President

At the end of the day Wednesday, the presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention will pass to an African-American pastor for the first time. The nation's largest Protestant denomination voted Tuesday to elect the Rev. Fred Luter Jr. to lead them, an important step for a denomination that was formed on the wrong side of slavery having split with the Baptists over the issue.

Augusta National Golf Club Finally Admits Women Members, After 80 years

For the first time in its 80-year history, Augusta National Golf Club has female members. The home of the Masters, under increasing criticism the last decade because of its all-male membership, invited former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina financier Darla Moore to become the first women members when the club opens for a new season in October.