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Father Thanks Stranger for Entertaining His Daughter in the Airport: 'This is the world I want for her'

Father Thanks Stranger for Entertaining His Daughter in the Airport: 'This is the world I want for her'
These sweet new BBFs are a perfect example of how friendship can go beyond race, age, and politics.

One man's heartwarming new friendship with a 16-month-old girl is proving that friendship has no boundaries.

Former US Marine Kevin Armentrout had been waiting to catch a plane from Las Vegas to San Diego with his daughter Carter earlier this week when she started befriending their fellow passengers in the airport.

"[Carter] was being her usual inquisitive self, wanting to meet and say 'hi' to everyone she could, until she walked up on this man," Armentrout wrote in a Facebook post about the encounter. "He reached out and asked if she wanted to sit with him."

For the next 45 minutes, the man - who was identified only as a Samsung sales manager from Oklahoma named Joseph - taught Carter how to draw pictures on his tablet; watched cartoons with her; and even accepted her generous offer to share her snacks.

"Watching them in that moment, I couldn't help but think, different genders, different races, different generations, and the best of friends. This is the world I want for her," wrote Armentrout.

"In a country that is continuously fed that it's so deeply divided by beliefs, I want her life to be filled with moments like this… not liberal or conservative republican or democrat, socialist or capitalist, just HUMAN."

Armentrout, who now works as a writer, speaker, and nutritionalist, posted a photo of Carter and Joseph to social media where it has since racked up almost 100,000 shares.

Though Armentrout has reportedly spoken to Joseph since publishing the photo, he made sure to end his post with a heartfelt word of gratitude, saying: "Thank you for showing my daughter what kindness and compassion looks like. Continue to shine your light in the world."

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