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MLK Day: Ex-White Supremacist Thanks Black Teen Who Said No to Violence in 1996

Arno Michaelis was once a thriving member of the Neo-Nazi movement who frequented white supremacist rallies, until single parenthood and love for his daughter changed him This week he wrote a short tribute to Keshia Thomas, a black teenager who during a 1996 KKK rally saved the life of a white supremacist in danger of being killed by a mob of counter-demonstrators.

The Man Behind a Military Patch that President Obama Prizes

When Barack Obama was still a Senator running for president, a black elevator operator, Earl Smith, shared a moment with him at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Austin. His time with the future President was short, but Smith gave Obama something that he would carry with him for the rest of the campaign. The story of the elderly worker tells a lot about where this country has been and how far it has come.