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Racist Protesters in Melbourne Shrink in A Sea of People Supporting Diversity

Racist Protesters in Melbourne Shrink in A Sea of People Supporting Diversity
Racist protesters were shown the door in Melbourne, Australia, after 4000 residents showed up to support diversity.

Racist protesters were shown the door in Melbourne, Australia, today.

A rally by an anti-Muslim group called Reclaim Australia attracted 50-60 protesters, however their demonstration was surrounded by 4,000 Melbourne residents who came out to oppose the hate faction.

60 further protesters from hardline racist group the United Patriot Front joined the rally several hours later, but they were booed and jeered away from their protest site by jubilant counter-protesters, who chanted, "You'll always lose in Melbourne," and later held a victory march in one of Melbourne's main streets.

Despite numerous scuffles and pepper spray being used by the police, Melbournites feel the protest went well. "Melbourne is well-known as a thriving multicultural city, and we make millions of dollars a year from international tourism," said one protester. "There's no way Melbourne people are putting up with fascism on our streets."

Photo submitted by Jude Alexander

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