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Healing with Humor: Cancer Patient has Unique Way of Spreading Happiness

He cheers a group of cancer patients running in a race, calling himself the captain of Team Tumor. The 38-year-old father of two small children with stage-4 cancer has logged hundreds of hours of chemotherapy. But instead of living with defeat and humiliation, this Utah dad spends his time trying to give a laugh to others with cancer.

From Panic Attacks to the Best Mother's Day Ever

A mom in Britain wrote to share the good news that her daughter, after a lifetime of suffering from a panic disorder, was able to join her mother and sister on a date for lunch and shopping - something that has never been possible before. It was the best Mother's Day gift of all and seen as a hopeful sign for sufferers of the disorder everywhere.

Science Confirms Humans Naturally Helpful

What is human nature? Are we basically good, evil, or a little of both? Philosophers debated this throughout the ages, but science today delivers some definitive news. Humans are naturally altruistic. In Germany at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, a window has been opened into human behavior. Experiments involving prelinguistic and just post-linguistic childre

New Study Suggests Many Apples a Day Keep the Blues at Bay

Eating more fruit and vegetables may make young people calmer, happier and more energetic in their daily life, new research from New Zealand's University of Otago suggests. Department of Psychology researchers investigated the relationship between day-to-day emotions and food consumption. The results showed a strong day-to-day relationship between more positive mood and higher fruit and vegetable consumption, but not other foods.

Dying Man Finds Miracle in Abandoned Church

At 57 years old, Greg Thomas was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. They told my family to go ahead and start planning my funeral. Greg passed the hours walking his dog on a rural Minnesota road -- a road that led him to a beautiful, abandoned church. He decided to repaint the crumbling relic. Three years later, when he began work on a rotting interior, his own interior was healing too.

12 Things Happy People Do Differently

Studies conducted by positivity psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky point to 12 things happy people do differently to increase their levels of happiness. These are things that we can start doing today to feel the effects of more happiness in our lives.

Walking is a Useful Tool in Treating Depression

Something as simple as going for a brisk stroll could play an important role in fighting depression, according to researchers. Vigorous exercise has already been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression, but in this study walking was shown to have an effect similar to other more vigorous forms of exercise.