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New Research Shows There is a Prime Time to Take the First Vacation With Your Significant Other

New Research Shows There is a Prime Time to Take the First Vacation With Your Significant Other
If you're planning on a vacation with your romantic partner, here are some tips, warnings, and suggestions for how to make it the best it can be.

The Urban Dictionary defines "Bae" as a shortened version of baby or babe, or an acronym meaning "before anyone else." A fun new study discovered that how and when couples navigated their first ‘baecation' together can be a defining moment in their relationship.

Why are romantic getaways important? The survey found that 37% of participants fell in love on their first baecation, while 23% broke up because of the trip!

88% percent of respondents say their first trip with a significant other was a success—even while planning, booking and budgeting for the trip left 24% overwhelmed by the stress.

When is the best time for couples to go? For the best results, the study shows that new couples should take their first vacation together about 10 months into the relationship.

Commissioned by Visit Anaheim, a California vacation destination, and conducted by OnePoll, the survey of 2,000 American adults who have traveled with a partner showed that even with a few bumps in the road, the first vacation together is generally a success story – so much so, that over half of respondents (52%) have returned to the same destination of their first trip.

For a vacation to be successful, respondents say the most important factors are picking the right destination (69%), having a budget that works for both partners (61%) and good planning (60%).

Making sure you and your partner are serious about each other (51%) and being able to compromise (44%) were also contributing factors.

Three-quarters of participants say the trip had a positive effect on their overall relationship, while half (49%) reported a positive effect on how romantic they are with their partner – and after traveling together for the first time, 74% reported feeling more comfortable with their partner.

That being said, it's not all smooth sailing: The most common couple disagreements were in regard to the destination (32%), where to stay (31%) and how long the vacation should be (29%).

When choosing a destination, respondents say cost was the most important factor (62%), followed by the activities offered in the area (54%) and the mode of transportation needed to arrive (44%).

Additionally, 4 in 10 wanted to travel somewhere with a mix of active and laid-back activities. Bon Voyage!

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