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The Science of 'Paying It Forward' (NY Times)

A trend has strengthened this year throughout Canada and the US, as generous patrons at coffee and sandwich shop drive-through windows spread anonymous kindness to fellow restaurant-goers by bankrolling their meals-- paying their orders before they even get to the window. Social scientists have conducted experiments demonstrating that the effect of a single act of kindness can in fact ripple through a social network, setting off chains of generosity.

Incredible Time-lapse Shows Homeless Man's Transformation

Never underestimate the power of a makeover. This homeless veteran held a negative self-image of himself and suffered from alcoholism. Watch the transformation after he gets a haircut, shave and new clothes from the Degage Ministries. He suddenly can see some potential in his life -- and now he is making the changes needed to get back on track.

People Today Are Happier Than Ever, Study Says

From a cursory glance, with the recession sending thousands of unemployed millennials back to mom and dad's house, it would seem that anyone born within the last 20-odd years is in bad shape. But according to the results of a new study (and contrary to the opinion of anyone claiming that "the good old days" have come and gone), each new generation is happier than ones that came before it. What the heck do they have to be so smiley about?

The Homeless Realize Their Value After Photographers Donate Portrait Sessions

Dozens of homeless Milwaukeeans are improving their self-esteem with professional portraits from Help-Portrait Milwaukee, a local branch of the global initiative that arranges for photography sessions to benefit those in need. Worldwide, more than 200,000 portraits have been taken by more than 16,000 volunteer photographers in 60 countries, according to the international organization.

Babies Born to be Good, Say Researchers

An expanding body of research suggests people's moral compasses are active far earlier than previously thought. Young children and even babies demonstrate attributes such as generosity, empathy and a sense of justice, indicating that far from being born as clean slates, humans seem to have innate altruistic tendencies and are able to make moral choices at a remarkably young age.

Giving Thanks Helps Reset Your Outlook on Life

Psychologists are discovering why gratitude is so good for you, learning in many experiments that it is one of humanity's most powerful emotions. It makes you happier and can change your attitude about life, like an emotional reset button. Especially in hard times, like these.