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The Values of Giving, Compassion and Family, Flourishing Across the World: Survey Shows

The Values of Giving, Compassion and Family, Flourishing Across the World: Survey Shows
The U.S. volunteers their time the most, while Indonesians give the most money to charities, and the Saudis support the elderly the most.

A recent worldwide investigation into human goodness and thoughtfulness found that, delightfully, it's broadly distributed across cultures even in difficult times. Far from being monopolized by benevolent-seeming social democracies, the degree to which humans will reach out a helping hand is strong no matter where one lives.

Using data from the World Giving Index, the World Bank, The Charities Aid Foundation, proprietary surveys, the Global Philanthropic Index, the WHO, and more, the postcard courier service MyPostcard has created the Most Thoughtful Societies Index.

In the ranking for overall private charitable contributions, the most thoughtful society is Indonesia, while coming in at number 2 is Australia.

In terms of international charitable contributions, i.e. the amount that people from one country donate to another as a percentage of gross national income, the United States' philanthropists gave the most.

The U.S. is also the most compassionate society, as determined by measures of how much people feel they support one another. Kenya, Uganda, and Nigeria follow before any other nations.

The amount of hours spent volunteering, perhaps a clearer picture of compassion, is also highest in the United States. Once again, Indonesia in close third, is never far from the top.

While many east Asian countries are close to the top, elderly support from family members is highest in the Gulf monarchies, with Saudi Arabia in first place, and the UAE in second. This was determined by medical info from the WHO, and census data of elderly people living alone vs with their children.

The cross-culturalism of these findings warms the heart, and shows a strong global desire to volunteer, give back, and help one another.

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