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Picked Up for 3 Bucks, Chinese Bowl Goes for $2.2 million at Auction

A Chinese bowl that a New York family picked up for $3 at a garage sale turned out to be a 1,000-year-old ceramic treasure by a Chinese master. The bowl — 5 inches in diameter with a saw-tooth pattern etched around the outside — was sold at auction for $2.2 million at Sotheby's auction house in New York on Tuesday.

Broke Woman Returns $30,000 Found in Donated Clothes

You're broke, you struggle with bills, then out of nowhere you find $30,000 in cash which only you will ever know about because the money belongs to someone who is dead. What do you do? Carol Sutor of Bristol, Pa., was in that situation on Thursday and decided to return the money to the family of the woman who had spent years saving it.

Tornado Survivor Finds Buried Dog During TV Interview (WATCH)

An elderly woman being interviewed by a television crew was literally counting her blessings after her beloved schnauzer peaked out from beneath the rubble in Moore, OK and was spotted by a producer. "Bless your little bitty heart!" cooed Barbara Garcia, who stooped down surrounded by the debris of her flattened neighborhood.

Ring Found in Frozen Pipes Returned in Time for 40th Anniversary

An Illinois couple wrote a letter saying Hooray for ice storms after what they found while trying to protect their frozen pipes. Tara Catogge and her husband Ian found someone's diamond and sapphire wedding ring while trying to clear the pipes in their kitchen sink last week.

Teen Uses Fibonacci Sequence to Make Solar Energy Breakthrough

Aidan Dwyer is just 13 years old but is already a patented inventor of solar panel arrangements. He noticed a pattern one day in the tangled mess of branches above him and began to investigate whether there is a secret formula in tree design and whether the purpose of the spiral pattern is to collect sunlight better.

Dog Hero in Ghana Rescues Newborn Baby

A farm dog in the west African country of Ghana is being praised as a hero hound this week after saving the life of an abandoned two-week-old baby. he dog apparently found the baby under a bridge in the northern part of the country. Rather than abandon (or eat) the vulnerable tot, the dog curled up next to him for the night, refusing to leave his side.

Endangered Green Sea Turtles Make Comeback

In one of nature's best comeback stories, endangered green sea turtles have multiplied in Florida during the past two decades and are now thriving in protected waters. Reported nests have increased more than sixfold since 1990.

Company to Turn Sea Plastic into Bottles in Pioneering Recycling Plan

Ecover, the green cleaning brand, said on Thursday it will use plastic waste retrieved from the sea to create an entirely new type of sustainable and recyclable plastic bottle. The Belgian company is working with plastic manufacturer Logoplaste to combine plastic trawled from the sea with a plastic made from sugar cane ('Plant-astic') and recycled plastic, in what it is calling a world-first for packaging.

Making Wishes Come True for Foster Children

An organization called One Simple Wish has granted the wishes of more than 3,000 foster children providing a small piece of comfort and joy to kids still in need of a permanent family. Some wishes are important, like music lessons, but some are small, asking for crayons, or backpacks, which gives people of all incomes the opportunity to bless a foster child, especially during the holidays. See the list and grant a wish on the website, www.onesimplewish.org.