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Teen Uses Fibonacci Sequence to Make Solar Energy Breakthrough

Teen Uses Fibonacci Sequence to Make Solar Energy Breakthrough
Aidan Dwyer is just 13 years old but is already a patented inventor of solar panel arrangements. He noticed a pattern one day in the tangled mess of branches above him and began to investigate whether there is a secret formula in tree design and whether the purpose of the spiral pattern is to collect sunlight better.

Long Island resident Aidan Dwyer is just 13 years old and is already a patented inventor of solar panel arrangements.

On a winter hiking trip, he noticed a pattern in the tangled mess of branches above him, took photos of them and began to investigate "whether there is a secret formula in tree design and whether the purpose of the spiral pattern is to collect sunlight better."

Aidan applied the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical principal found in nature, and arranged a pattern of solar panels.

(READ the story from Yahoo news)

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