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Bee-harming Pesticides Banned in Europe

Bees are vital -- because of their pollinating in the fields -- to any nation's food production and to European agriculture worth €22 billion annually. That's why Europe has voted to enforce the world's first continent-wide ban on common insecticides linked to serious harm in bees.

Bumblebees Instead of Pesticides Save Berry Crop from Mold

Squadrons of bumblebees are being deployed in the UK in a novel attempt to prevent grey mold from ruining the crop of summer strawberries. The bees are routed via a one-way system in their hive through a tray of harmless fungus spores which, when delivered to flowers, ensure that the grey mold cannot take hold as the fruit grows.

Roadside Raw Milk Vending Machine Offers Cow-venience

Village Milk, a New Zealand dairy farmer has installed a roadside milk dispenser that serve it raw. The Golden Bay family farm, with its twenty-two cows, invested in a state of the art milk machine to sell fresh, hygienic, raw milk 24 hours a day. Customers can buy up to five liters of unpasteurized milk, and even get change.

Tiny Family Farm Thrives on 1/5 Acre in Heart of Suburban Neighborhood

In the Los Angeles community of Pasadena -- a suburban mix of nice restaurants and well-tended front lawns -- there is a home wedged in among the other houses where the entire front yard is edible. A man's little family farm, in the midst of American suburbia, is his way of breaking free without really going anywhere.

15 Foods That Can Be Regrown From Scraps

There is nothing like fresh produce from your own garden, but, did you know that there are veggies that you can grow in the kitchen from scraps? I always have a mason jar of green onions regrowing above my kitchen sink. The technique is quite simple, writes the Mrs. Happy Homemaker blog.

The Gangsta Gardener of South Central L.A.

A Los Angeles-based fashion designer is starting an urban garden revolution in his neighborhood in South Central Los Angeles. Instead of vacant lots -- the city owns miles and miles of these in LA county -- Ron Finley wants to help residents to plant a million tomato plants. He is co-founder of LA Green Grounds, a company that plants gardens at low-income homes as a part of a recovery system to transform neighborhoods.

UMass Students Transform Campus Lawn into Permaculture Food Garden

Planting begins this month for a group of students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who are pioneering a sustainable solution for campuses across the country. The UMass Permaculture Committee is transforming a 12,000 square foot conventional grass lawn into a sustainable permaculture garden for supplying fresh food to its campus community.