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1,500 Employees Skip Holiday Party to Transform Local Farm

In place of a holiday party, computer technology company NVIDIA conducted one of Silicon Valley's largest-ever employee volunteer events, with 1,500 employees and community members gathering to bolster a local farm's ability to continue providing students and families with access to fresh local produce. NVIDIA's annual holiday initiative called Project Inspire began on December 9 and in two days transformed Full Circle Farm's operations, building structures to enable it to become financially self-sustaining and to expand its ability to provide nutrition education to students and families in Silicon Valley.

Vertical Farms Sprouting All Over the World

Urban warehouses, derelict buildings and high-rises are the last places you'd expect to find the seeds of a green revolution. But from Singapore to Scranton, Pennsylvania, vertical farms are promising a new, environmentally friendly way to feed the rapidly swelling populations of cities worldwide. In March, the world's largest vertical farm is set to open up shop in Scranton.

Another Vacant Warehouse Turned into Organic Urban Farm

The Hamm's Brewery in St. Paul, Minnesota closed in 1997, and now one of the vacant buildings is being renovated into an urban farm. A group called Urban Organics wants to bring more jobs, fresh vegetables and fish to restaurants and markets in the Twin Cities.

London Fashion Students Hail Green as the New Black

Could green be the new black? While stilettos are hitting the catwalks at Paris Fashion Week, students at London's Kingston University have taken up the challenge of trying to lower the industry's carbon footprint by using biodegradable materials to produce luxury clothes, shoes and accessories.