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Showing 81 - 100 of 114 Posts

Good Jobs Report Boosts US Economy

The overall unemployment rate ticked down last month. But the real good news is the past upward revisions showing the economy added more than 350,000 private sector jobs over the past three months. Other positive economic reports also came out for the U.S. this week.

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Why There's Never Been a Better Time to be Alive: The Rational Optimist

A British scientist and author of the book, The Rational Optimist, makes the case that mankind's progress has been vigorous, widely spread, and not just benefiting the privileged few. Matt Ridley says average citizens are becoming healthier, cleaner, smarter, kinder, happier, and more peaceful. And he has the facts to back it up:

Latin American Poverty Levels Fall to Lowest in Two Decades

Poverty rates in Latin America have dropped to their lowest levels in 20 years, according to a new United Nations report which points to higher wages as a key factor in the continent's development despite the global economic crisis. Between 1990 and 2010, the poverty rate decreased 17 percent.

Reopening of Maine Paper Mill Stirs Hope

Gloom is giving way to a glow of optimism in two northern Maine towns as a pair of paper mills, once the lifeblood of industry there, is back, and a closely related new industry knocks on the door.

U.S. Health Care: The Good News - A New PBS Documentary

You don't often find the words health care and good news in the same sentence, but in a new Public Television documentary, we learn that while groups on all sides argue the merits and limitations of reform initiatives, a few American communities are already getting the job done. Correspondent T.R. Reid reports they are accomplishing what few have been able to do – deliver quality care for reasonable cost, and in some cases cover just about everybody in town.

Mom Who was Criticized for Letting Her Kid Walk Alone, Transforms Town

A few years ago, a mom in a small Mississippi town was chastised by neighbors and the press for teaching her 10-year-old son to walk to soccer practice by himself. A cop picked him up, scolded him about safety, and warned the mother that she could be prosecuted for "child endangerment." It was the turning point that led to the transformation of attitudes and laws in their town.

Disabled or Disheartened? Man With Muscular Dystrophy Has Your Cure

Anthony DeVergillo is living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a disease that is causing his muscles to slowly deteriorate. But he has not allowed that to slow him down. This rosy-eyed optimist started a blog to celebrate his 'abilities' -- moving beyond what others describe as 'disability'. My mission is to show people that life is a beautiful thing and should not be wasted.

Don't Be Afraid to Fail

A list of famous celebrities who failed before they succeeded appeared in the Wall Street Journal some 20 years ago. From their stories comes the moral, 'Don't worry about failure.'

Dow Surges to Record … and Keeps Going

The Dow closed at an all-time high Tuesday, beating the previous record it set in October 2007, before the financial crisis and Great Recession. The Dow Jones industrial average jumped from the opening bell, climbing as much as 158 points early and closing at 14,253.77.

Life is Good Builds Brand Based on Optimism

Optimism has been good for Bert Jacobs, who along with his brother John, co-founded Life is good in 1989. The lifestyle and clothing brand has grown from two brothers sleeping in a van while they sold T-shirts door-to-door on college campuses to a $100 million business built around the idea of spreading optimism.