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Disabled or Disheartened? Man With Muscular Dystrophy Has Your Cure

Disabled or Disheartened? Man With Muscular Dystrophy Has Your Cure
Anthony DeVergillo is living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a disease that is causing his muscles to slowly deteriorate. But he has not allowed that to slow him down. This rosy-eyed optimist started a blog to celebrate his 'abilities' -- moving beyond what others describe as 'disability'. My mission is to show people that life is a beautiful thing and should not be wasted.

Anthony DeVergillo is living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a disease that is causing his muscles to slowly deteriorate. But he has not allowed that to slow him down. This rosy-eyed optimist started a blog that celebrates his ‘abilities' — moving beyond what others describe as his disabilities.

"I started a blog a little over a year ago called The Optimist's Guide to Life," Anthony wrote in an email to the Good News Network. "My mission was to show people that life is a beautiful thing and should not be wasted — to show that, with optimism, they can accomplish their goals, live life to the fullest, and inspire others along the way."

After scores of blog posts, his anti-depression crusade has reached across the nation and overseas, with more than 21,000 reading his blog.

Anthony created a video in January to help spread optimism in this time of ever-increasing pessimism. The positive voices in the video speak words of hope for anyone who may consider themselves ‘disabled'.

"I started out making the video to give those affected by my disease, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and their family and friends around them, hope for a brighter future. But after a short while, the video's message turned into something far more than that. It turned into a video showing that life is truly beautiful and not as bad as it may seem at times. It turned into a video showing people that they are wanted, they can do really anything they set their mind to, and all that is needed is just to try."

Most importantly, the video showed its viewers that everyone has a disability, whether it be visible or not, and we must learn to overcome what holds us back.

"I want to spread this message of optimism, of hope, of never giving up, to truly help make the world a better place and bring about a brighter tomorrow for us all."


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