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Showing 21 - 40 of 114 Posts

Swedish Man Survived Two Months in Snow-buried Car

A 45-year old driver stuck since December survived by hibernating a bit like a bear, doctors say. He was dug out alive from his snow-buried car in which he had survived for two months with no food, during one of the worst winters Europe has ever seen, in temperatures as low as -22F (-30C).

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Pastor Ends 94-Day Rooftop Protest After Donation From Tyler Perry

Over the last three months, living in a chilly tent on the roof of a vacant South Side Chicago motel, Rev. Corey Brooks kept up his vigil against gun violence. On Friday, he was triumphant after a pledge of $98,000 from filmmaker Tyler Perry provided the final push for reaching the pastor's goal of raising $450,000 to buy and demolish the decrepit motel, a haven for drugs and prostitution.

Americans are the Most Generous, Global Poll Finds

Americans give more to help others than the residents of 152 other countries, according to a new global survey that asked how many people donated money to a charity, volunteered their time, or helped a stranger in the previous month.

Photographers Offer Hope to Homeless Kids

Aided by a grant from Chevrolet, a professional photographer is helping homeless children visualize their dreams through the lens of a camera. Pictures of Hope will travel to ten homeless shelters in ten cities this year.

Women More Optimistic Than Men, Girlfriends Are Key

Midlife women are flourishing compared with men. Despite the daily gloom of economic predictions, women in midlife are more optimistic about their lives and futures than men are, finds a Gallup-Healthways daily poll of Americans' well-being. It may be key that the most optimistic women spend about six hours a day in social interaction.

Why It's A Great Time To Be An Entrepreneur

More and more, young women are not only starting their own businesses, but they are also achieving enormous success doing so. Take recent start-ups like Her Campus, Rent the Runway, and LearnVest: all three lucrative businesses were founded by women in their early twenties.

Las Vegas Principal Goes Door to Door Hoping To Beat The Odds

Nevada has the lowest high school graduation rate in the country. But now a multi-million dollar federal grant is helping one district turn its schools around. Host Michel Martin speaks with a principal who spent last Saturday knocking on the doors of students who dropped out, encouraging them to come back to school.

3 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Happier

Until recently, I had no idea that you could fairly easily teach your brain to be happier. As most of us could have guessed, researchers have found that positivity (having a positive outlook) makes us happier. Research shows that we are happier and more open to possibilities when we notice the positive. Positivity has also […]

Math Prodigy Proud of His Autism

Jake Barnett, an Indianapolis 13-year-old, has been acing college math and science courses since he was eight years old. At 13, he is a college sophomore taking honors classes in math and physics, while also doing scientific research and tutoring fellow students.

US Poll Reveals Overwhelming Optimism for 2012

Americans are hopeful for what 2012 will bring for their families and the country, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. Overall, 62 percent of those surveyed say they're optimistic about what 2012 will bring for the country. And for themselves and their families, Americans are even more positive.

Starbucks Wristbands Created These Jobs

Starbucks has raised more than $7 million by selling 'Create Jobs' wristbands. The company expects the program to create 2,300 jobs as the money makes its way to small businesses and nonprofits.

Oprah Celebrates First Graduating Class of South African Girls Academy

The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, which opened in January 2007 in South Africa to provide educational opportunities for gifted girls from impoverished backgrounds, celebrated its first graduating class Saturday. 72 girls of graduating age filed onto the stage, all wearing white dresses, to cheers and tears from Oprah herself, who'd invested $40 million to give them a safe haven and opportunities undreamed of before.

New Breast Cancer Drugs Show Big Promise

New cancer studies published yesterday are generating considerable excitement and anticipation among cancer specialists, who said in interviews that the results are some of the strongest data seen in years for new breast cancer therapies.