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Christianity Today Stands Behind Wiccan Widow

A war widow has asked the US Veterans Administration to engrave a Wiccan religious symbol on her husband's grave. Of 30 symbols approved by the VA -- including one for atheists and humanists -- none is allowed for Wicca. She now fights for inclusion.

Optimism Is the Antidote, Says New World Bank Chief

Whether treating patients with drug-resistant diseases in the slums of Haiti or trying to reverse the hopelessness of the world's poor, optimism is essential, insists World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. For me optimism is a moral choice.

A Kiss to Build a Year on - If Your Brain's Chemistry Agrees

A kiss at midnight to ring in the new year. That's what Friday night should bring, right? And there's pressure to get it right. No matter how painstakingly you set the scene, in the end chemistry trumps mood music. A kiss is a natural litmus test to help us identify a good partner. Start the first moments of 2011 with the right one, and you're beginning the year on a natural high.

What Good News Means to Me - The Winning Essay

My 15-year internet career choice of focusing on good news has become a philosophy for the rest of my life. To mark the website's 15th anniversary, I launched a contest called What 'Good News' Means to Me. I now have my four winners to whom we will be delivering four fantastic prizes this week.

"An Awakening" Thanks to Cancer

I'm a true example that you can survive cancer not once, but twice. I would have never become a writer, producing inspirational poems and stories, if I had not gone through all that I did, and I am truly grateful.

4 Quick Tips to Find-and Keep-Happiness

Happiness, or the lack thereof, lies at the root of what makes life meaningful. But it is sometimes hard to figure out what exactly constitutes happiness, especially in a culture like the Unites States that tends to conflate money with meaning. Roko Belic, the director of Happy, the documentary, offers four tips to develop a happiness skill set.

Women Should 'Lean In' to Happiness Instead

Have you read the book Lean In by Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg yet? In professional women's circles, it's all the rage. It has sparked conversations about whether women can truly 'have it all', and whether they even want to. But it misses a key point related to positive psychology - it's focused on success rather than happiness. What about our innate simple desire to be happy? Carin Rockind explores this in her essay, Lean In to Happiness Instead.

7 Habits of Incredibly Happy People

In our day-to-day lives it is easy to overlook some of the smaller, simpler things that can disproportionally boost our happiness levels. Seven actionable steps have been shown by research to produce a happier life.

Hollywood's Funny Man, Russell Brand: My Life Without Drugs

Russell Brand has not used drugs for 10 years. He has a job, a house, a cat, good friends. But temptation is never far away. He wants to help other addicts, but first he wants us to feel compassion for those affected -- like Amy Winehouse. It is my belief that if you regard alcoholics and drug addicts not as bad people but as sick people then we can help them to get better.

Who's On Your Fridge?

I was lifting weights at my New York City community gym when a 77-year-old man who was boxing caught my attention. His laugh was infectious. It made me feel good just being around his energy. So I took his picture and I put it on my fridge

Second Time Around: How to Find and Embrace a New Career After 50

When you're in the cockpit on final approach and suddenly have to abort your landing and try again, it's called a "go-around." It can be a little scary at first, but with a little planning and some patience, it is painless. The same is true for your career after age 50. You're all set to glide into retirement when from out of nowhere, you're forced to change course professionally. I know the feeling better than most people because it happened to me.

Rewire Your Brain for Love

Valentine's Day can be the bane of any person's year. It can fling daggers of loneliness, rather than gentle arrows from Cupid. Instead of dreading another February 14th, use the science of mindfulness to make a healthy relationship resolution and rewire your brain for love.