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Ted Turner Donates $1 Billion to the U.N.

Trying to set a new standard for gallantry, billionaire Ted Turner announced to a delighted gathering of United Nations supporters that he would donate one billion dollars to U.N. efforts to help the poorest people of the world.

Good News From Greece Fills New Positive Website

With all the disheartening news bombarding the Greek people over the past year, a new website has been launched to offer some relief. Good News Greece purports to be the first news agency to highlight the positive side of what is happening in Greece.

Obama Plays Comedian-in-Chief at Media Correspondents Dinner (Video)

On Saturday night, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama attended the White House Correspondent's Dinner, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, the annual social event that has been held since 1920. In keeping with tradition, the President poked fun at himself and the news coverage he's received from the reporters in attendance.

This is Why You Should Never Judge Too Quickly

A series of funny TV ads produced by Ameriquest clearly demonstrate why it is not a good idea to judge our fellow human beings too quickly. Situations are often not what they seem. Humor makes the point so very well in these clever ads.

ABC News Gets Insurer to Cover Cochlear Implants for Kids

cochlear implant covered by insurance-ABCvidA kindergartner has shown dramatic improvement in school in just a few months after ABC News stepped in and asked his family's insurance company to pay for a cochlear implant so the child hearing disability could be cured.