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Freedom Now Rings From One Mountaintop Radio Station in Western Libya

Freedom Now Rings From One Mountaintop Radio Station in Western Libya
A radio station previously used as a propaganda tool for Libyan dictator Qaddafi now broadcasts the rebel rallying cry and highlights a new push to spread the revolution, as "Radio Free Nalut."

A radio station previously used as a propaganda tool for Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi now broadcasts the rebel rallying cry and highlights a new push to spread the revolution.

Free speech used to be impossible. Col. Muammar Qaddafi's state security agents occupied the same floor as the radio station in Nalut. Radio guests were questioned before they were allowed on air. Files were kept on the staff. One agent listened carefully to every word – and took notes.

But this week the station has had a revolutionary makeover, and is beginning life anew as "Radio Free Nalut."

(READ the full story in the CS Monitor)

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