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Unemployed Veteran Posts Army Medal on eBay And Gets Huge Bid

Unemployed Veteran Posts Army Medal on eBay And Gets Huge Bid
Unable to find a job after he was laid off from his retail position, a former Iraqi vet put an Army medal, received during his 2008-09 deployment, on eBay. There were no bids for days until a news reporter told his story.

Unable to find a job after he was laid off from his retail position, former Iraqi vet, Bill Shephard, a father of three, decided to start a lawn care business but needed a few thousand dollars in start-up costs.

He reluctantly put an Army medal, received during his 2008-09 deployment, on eBay. There were no bids for days until a news reporter told his story.

Shephard was thrilled when suddenly there came a bid for $2000 — and when the auction closed yesterday, after 62 bids, the medal sold for $5,200.

The publicity surrounding the auction paid off in other ways, too. One couple offered clothing for Shephard's children. Another pledged to deliver a trailer to help him expand his landscaping business. He was also offered a sturdy lawn mower and even a job.

(WATCH the video below or READ the story from Fox News)

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