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Showing 41 - 45 of 45 Posts

"Touched by an Angel" in Hip Hop

If a frog is dropped into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out to safety every time. But if a frog is placed in a pot of cold water and the heat is turned up, its skin will become accustomed to the rising temperature until the frog is killed.

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A 'Dear Abby' for the Down and Out

In this recession, many Americans are struggling to make ends meet, but people in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, have a unique safety net of sorts: Sal Dimiceli. Raised in poverty, Sal vowed when he was 12 years old that he'd always help people in need, and he's spent nearly all of his adult life making good on that promise, partly through his newspaper column, which invites those who've fallen on hard times to write to him.

Chicago Tribune Sends Pizzas and Thanks to Boston Globe Newsroom

On Monday, the newspaper staff that had been working overtime in Boston to cover the tragic events of their city found a welcome gift from fellow journalists in a thousand miles away. The Chicago Tribune staff overwhelmed them with pizzas delivered at noontime along with a nice note, We can only imagine what an exhausting and heartbreaking week it's been for you and your city.... We can't buy you lost sleep, so at least let us pick up lunch.

TV Viewers Rally to Lift 120,000 Malawi Kids Off the Ground

Six months ago, political reporter and former legislative director Lawrence O'Donell shared his experience of delivering 30 desks to a children's classroom in Africa with viewers of his MSNBC show The Last Word. Inspired by the video of Malawi kids sitting on dirt floors, donations poured in, more than 2.3 million dollars, allowing him to deliver an incredible 46,000 desks -- enough for every child in all four districts targeted.