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Little Dresses Bring Hope to Malawi

Rachel O'Neill fell in love with the sweeping vistas of Malawi, Africa, but especially with the little girls, whose only clothing were the thread-bare dresses on their backs. Her original idea was to get a church group to sew dresses for her to bring back for the children. Eventually, word spread and dresses were sent from all fifty states, so many that it took teams of volunteers to sort them,

Mom Crafts Superhero Capes for Ailing Kids Nationwide

One mother is giving more than 1,700 sick children a reason to smile. Robyn Rosenberger crafts capes to give children with terminal illnesses a chance to feel special – to feel like superheroes. "She doesn't just deliver capes, she bolsters children," one child's mother told TODAY. "It's Robyn that turns them into superheroes."