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Stories That Matter

Mom Crafts Superhero Capes for Ailing Kids Nationwide

Mom Crafts Superhero Capes for Ailing Kids Nationwide
One mother is giving more than 1,700 sick children a reason to smile. Robyn Rosenberger crafts capes to give children with terminal illnesses a chance to feel special – to feel like superheroes. "She doesn't just deliver capes, she bolsters children," one child's mother told TODAY. "It's Robyn that turns them into superheroes."

One mother is giving more than 1,700 sick children a reason to smile. Robyn Rosenberger crafts capes to give children with terminal illnesses a chance to feel special – to feel like superheroes.

"She doesn't just deliver capes, she bolsters children," one child's mother told TODAY. "It's Robyn that turns them into superheroes."

(WATCH the video below from NBC News)

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