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New Best-selling Book Designed to Put Children to Sleep in Minutes

New Best-selling Book Designed to Put Children to Sleep in Minutes
The #1 bestseller at Amazon uses psychology to put children to sleep in a matter of minutes–and it works, say many parents.

Weary parents are rejoicing. The book topping the best seller list at Amazon.com is no longer Harper Lee's new book, but a self-published tale about a rabbit who wants to fall asleep.

"The Rabbit Who Wants To Fall Asleep" is a children's book written by a Swedish psychologist who has harnessed simple techniques through the written word to send kids off to dreamland–and it works.

The book includes cues for parents to yawn, use a slow, calm voice in places and emphasize certain words to lull their children into sleep.

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"It helps the child to focus and makes them a part of the story so that they fall asleep along with the rabbit," author Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin told the Telegraph.

Ehrlin spent three years getting all the elements in the right order in the 26-page paperback, and the reviews from parents have been impressive.

"Bedtime just went from taking 2-3 hours to taking 12 mins," one parent wrote on Amazon. "We made it to the middle of page 2."

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Forssen Ehrlin's sleepy time tome is the first self-published book ever to top the Amazon charts, and has already been translated into seven languages.

(READ more at the Telegraph) — Photo: Amazon

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