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Good News From Greece Fills New Positive Website

With all the disheartening news bombarding the Greek people over the past year, a new website has been launched to offer some relief. Good News Greece purports to be the first news agency to highlight the positive side of what is happening in Greece.

Obama Plays Comedian-in-Chief at Media Correspondents Dinner (Video)

On Saturday night, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama attended the White House Correspondent's Dinner, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, the annual social event that has been held since 1920. In keeping with tradition, the President poked fun at himself and the news coverage he's received from the reporters in attendance.

Chicago Tribune Sends Pizzas and Thanks to Boston Globe Newsroom

On Monday, the newspaper staff that had been working overtime in Boston to cover the tragic events of their city found a welcome gift from fellow journalists in a thousand miles away. The Chicago Tribune staff overwhelmed them with pizzas delivered at noontime along with a nice note, We can only imagine what an exhausting and heartbreaking week it's been for you and your city.... We can't buy you lost sleep, so at least let us pick up lunch.

U2's Bono Salutes Military Heroes in D.C.

Tina Brown, editor in chief of Newsweek, kicked off her first annual Hero Summit last week in Washington to bring together military heroes and exceptional civilians for meaningful dialogues and information-sharing.