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Pilot Episode of Good News Network on TV Premieres With a Few Laughs! (WATCH)

Pilot Episode of Good News Network on TV Premieres With a Few Laughs! (WATCH)
Our first-ever TV show has just launched on YouTube. The WS-TV pilot, "Quarantine Edition, was developed and produced in just 2 weeks with Rosemary Watson.

Our first-ever TV pilot, the WS-TV ‘Crazy Quarantine Edition', was developed, written, and produced in just two weeks with Rosemary Watson and Matt Walton (while we all worked from home).

PLEASE click on the video to leave a comment on YouTube if you want to support more shows! And, do share if you like it.

The ‘Top 10 Good News' has always been a favorite format of mine—but adding some humor is a new twist. Subscribe to WS's YouTube channel to be notified of new episodes.

This proof-of-concept pilot will be used to attract a producing partner to join us, so we can broadcast a more-polished show, and do it every every week.

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