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Target Employee Follows Her Intuition to Find Kidnapper

California Police are praising a Target Store employee for helping bring a child's kidnapping ordeal to an end, before it even started. "When I first spotted him in the store, I thought he was going to shoplift," said 22-year-old Roxanna Ramirez, who followed him around, watched him on surveillance cameras, and even spoke to him.

Dog's Sixth Sense Saves Owner From Tsunami

Normally, Babu does not enjoy taking walks. But on March 11, minutes after the earthquake in Japan, the elderly shih tzu, insisted on leaving the house. She stubbornly headed for a nearby hill rather than taking their usual route, and minutes after they climbed the hill, a devastating wall of mud and water slammed into the town flattening everything below them.

Pharmacist's Intuition Saves Customer's Life

Mild-mannered pharmacy employee John Robertson is being hailed as a hero after saving a customer's life. When a customer failed to pick up his prescription, Robertson got worried and went to check on him at his home. Turns out, the man was injured and lying on his bathroom floor.