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Pharmacist's Intuition Saves Customer's Life

Pharmacist's Intuition Saves Customer's Life
Mild-mannered pharmacy employee John Robertson is being hailed as a hero after saving a customer's life. When a customer failed to pick up his prescription, Robertson got worried and went to check on him at his home. Turns out, the man was injured and lying on his bathroom floor.

Mild-mannered pharmacy employee John Robertson is being hailed as a hero after saving a customer's life. When a customer failed to pick up his prescription, Robertson got worried and, with the help of deputies, went to check on the man at his home. Turns out, the man was injured and had been lying on his bathroom floor for up to two days.

Robertson, who followed his intuition and concern, was given a Hometown Hero award.

NBC- 7's Matt Rascon reports.

— READ the full story from NBC- San Diego‘s Print page

— WATCH the video below (which auto-plays on their website)


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