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Quick-Thinking Teen 'Befriends' Couple to Thwart Kidnapping in Progress

Quick-Thinking Teen 'Befriends' Couple to Thwart Kidnapping in Progress
A 17 year-old in Montreal saw a man mistreating a woman and decided to get involved. A policeman said in his 24 years, he's never seen anything quite like what the teen did.

It was none of his business, maybe, but Malyk Bonnet didn't like the way the guy at the bus stop was treating the woman he was with. And she looked scared.

He thought maybe he should intervene, but how?

Bonnet decided to keep his eye on the couple and follow his instincts.

Thinking on his feet, Bonnet not only got the money for them, but also announced that he, too, was headed to Laval. He hopped on the same bus as the couple, and when they stood up to get off, Bonnet stood up, too, and offered to buy them dinner.

Pretending to go to the restroom, Bonnet instead borrowed a stranger's cell phone to call police. So good was the teen's facade that when law enforcement arrived to arrest the man and escort the woman to safety, the kidnapper had no idea it was Bonnet who had tipped them off.

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"(The woman) looked at me, and she was almost crying, and I said to myself, 'I did good,'" Bonnet told CBC News.

He did more than good, according to Laval Police Lieutenant Daniel Guérin, who told CBC that in 24 years of policing, he's never seen anything quite like what Bonnet did.

Bonnet didn't even know the police were already searching for the couple. The 29-year-old woman had reportedly been kidnapped a few hours earlier, and authorities were pretty sure they knew by whom-a dangerous ex-boyfriend who was under a court order to stay away from her.

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The Laval cops were so impressed with Bonnet's decision-making, which they said probably saved the woman's life, that they took up a collection to reimburse him for the money he spent. They raised $255 for the quick-witted young hero.

Bonnet was delighted to have his cash returned, and his proud mother bought up eight newspapers as keepsakes.

(WATCH the video below or READ more from the CBC) - Photos from the Laval Police Service, FB

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