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Fast Food Worker Who Stood Up For Blind Customer Gets National Praise

A 19-year-old Dairy Queen employee served more than ice cream at his Hopkins, Minnesota store recently: He stood up for a blind man after his twenty dollar bill, dropped on the ground, was scooped up by a sighted customer who refused to give it back. A typed letter of commendation now hangs on the wall of the DQ shop after a third customer saw the whole scene unfold and couldn't believe how manager Joey Prusak had handled the situation - going above and beyond what anyone could expect.

Woman Returns Lockbox Containing $40,000

Teresa Stiles saw a lockbox, which she didn't know contained about $40,000, fall off a Brinks truck. Nobody seemed to see what happened and no one was responding. So, Stiles grabbed the box and nervously drove straight to the police.

Ex-Homeless Man Among Eco Heroes

James Burgett started as a homeless Dumpster-diver. He'd build computers out of parts and sell them to feed his drug habit. A company called asking if he wanted 2,000 old desktops.

NY's Cabbie of the Year

Hossam Abdalla was crowned New York's cab driver of the year year because he returned a king's ransom in jewels to a passenger who left a million dollars worth of gold and diamonds in his taxi. Hooray for the Egyptian immigrant and his integrity!

Airman Finds and Returns $9,000 in Cash

The black book he found had about six dollars and a driver's license. But when he opened the second pocket, “There was a big wad of cash - hundred-dollar bills,” Baxter said. For some, the decision might be difficult.