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Fast Food Worker Who Stood Up For Blind Customer Gets National Praise

Fast Food Worker Who Stood Up For Blind Customer Gets National Praise
A 19-year-old Dairy Queen employee served more than ice cream at his Hopkins, Minnesota store recently: He stood up for a blind man after his twenty dollar bill, dropped on the ground, was scooped up by a sighted customer who refused to give it back. A typed letter of commendation now hangs on the wall of the DQ shop after a third customer saw the whole scene unfold and couldn't believe how manager Joey Prusak had handled the situation - going above and beyond what anyone could expect.

A 19-year-old employee at a local Dairy Queen served more than ice cream at his Hopkins, Minnesota store on September 10. He stood up for a blind man after his twenty dollar bill, dropped on the ground, was scooped up by a sighted customer who refused to give it back.

A typed letter of commendation now hangs on the wall of the DQ shop after a third customer saw the whole scene unfold and couldn't believe how Joey Prusak, the manager of the DQ, had handled the situation, going above and beyond what anyone could expect.

Joey, who is the store's manager, asked the elderly woman to return the money but she claimed the money was hers. Then, he flatly states he won't serve her unless she gives back the cash. When she still refused to do the right thing, he asked her to leave.

"Your employee… took out his wallet and said, ‘Sir, on behalf of Dairy Queen I would like to give you the $20 bill you dropped.'"

Joey's display of generosity shocked the onlooker who stated in his email that his "fate" had been "forever sealed" as a "life long customer" after experiencing such "outstanding customer service".

A co-worker was impressed by what happened and posted the message on Facebook, according to KARE-11 TV. Others shared it and now it has now gone viral.

(WATCH the video below or READ more at NY Daily News, but beware that a video starts playing once you visit the page)

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