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12-Year-Old Surgeon Certain to Cure Cancer

Akrit is an incredible boy, aged 12, living in India who performed his first sugery at 7. Now he works with 76 adults on his theoretical cure for cancer. He sees his duty as stoppin all the suffering in the world.

Preemies Succeed Despite Challenges

extremely low birth-weight infants attained similar levels of education, employment and independence as young adults compared to normal birth-weight infants, despite challenges including cerebral palsy, blindness, mental impairment and autism.

SF Giants Pitcher Returns $500,000 After Noticing Mistake in Contract

Jeremy Affeldt makes $6 million a year pitching for the San Francisco Giants, but he gave a half-million back after a clerical error was discovered, despite already receiving the money back in 2010. Affeldt got three opinions saying the contract was ironclad and he could keep the extra $500,000, but realized he couldn't keep it and still sleep well knowing it was wrong.

Businesses Set Ethical and Quality Standards

Today, Harvard University is among more than 30 business schools offering courses on social responsibility.* This is illustrative of many postive trends in business, as exemplified by the growth of Business for Social Responsibility.

Big Banks Agree To Pay $8.5 Billion To Homeowners After Foreclosure Abuse

Ten of the nation's major banks, such as Bank of America and Citibank, have agreed to pay $8.5 billion after an investigation into the abuse of homeowners during foreclosures on mortgages during the recent housing crisis. According to the Fed, $3.3 billion of the settlement will be direct payments to eligible borrowers and $5.2 billion will go toward other assistance, such as loan modifications and forgiveness of deficiency judgments.

Greener Computers and Monitors Will Soon Hit the Market

More environmentally friendly computer equipment will soon be available to large volume purchasers thanks to manufacturers like Dell, HP, and others that now have products approved as having reduced levels of cadmium, lead, and mercury to better protect human health, and are easier to upgrade and recycle, in addition to meeting the government's Energy Star guidelines for energy efficiency.

Swim Team Gives Back Trophy After Discovering Error

Augusta, Georgia swim coaches were honored for returning their trophy after pointing out a scoring error that cost their team the championship. The two men were called champions of integrity, honesty and sportsmanship, amidst a standing ovation.

Staying Healthy (Naturally) is Smart Science

Thousands of Americans wrote to a small, but forward-thinking company to say ‘thanks' for inventing an arthritis treatment that works often when nothing else would: A treatment that is actually healthy for the body, unlike some pharmaceutical drugs with side effects like Vioxx (which was pulled from the market after studies found an increased risk […]

Halloween Candy Safe, After All

There has never been a single confirmed serious injury from “tainted treats” having been altered by a stranger since fears began spreading among the public in the late 50’s.