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Newest Subway Hero: 'Snackman' Casually Breaks Up Fight

Newest Subway Hero: 'Snackman' Casually Breaks Up Fight
24 year-old Charles Sonder got on a New York Subway with a bag of cheddar Pringles chips, and a knack for peace. As the train rolled toward its next stop, a fight between a man and a woman broke out; curses were uttered, and punches and kicks were thrown. At that moment, Sonder moved toward where the man was standing, and parked himself there, calmly munching on his chips.

24 year-old Charles Sonder got on a New York Subway with a bag of cheddar Pringles chips, and a knack for peace.

As the train rolled through darkness toward its next stop, a fight between a man and a woman broke out; curses were uttered, and punches and kicks were thrown.

At that moment, Sonder moved toward the door of the train car, where the man was standing, and parked himself there. No words were spoken. Sonder just stood there, a barrier between the fighting couple, calmly munching on his chips as a cell phone camera captured the entire scene.


(WATCH the YouYube video below, or READ more it at MSNBC)


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