Worth Sharing



Showing 3641 - 3660 of 4,140 Posts

Pharmacist's Intuition Saves Customer's Life

Mild-mannered pharmacy employee John Robertson is being hailed as a hero after saving a customer's life. When a customer failed to pick up his prescription, Robertson got worried and went to check on him at his home. Turns out, the man was injured and lying on his bathroom floor.

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Former Corporate Shark Feeds The Hungry

David Gerson drives an aging Volvo station wagon with a coffee stain on the passenger seat --hardly the type of car usually driven by successful corporate tax lawyers who negotiate billion-dollar mergers in Silicon Valley. David, 62, however, is what some might call a reformed lawyer. That 25-year law career never quite fulfilled him, so in 2011 he took a job feeding the poor.

New Orleans Soldier Home From Afghanistan Uses Deployment Money to Help Homeless

Sgt. Austin Winton Lumpkin, a soldier who returned home to Gretna from Afghanistan, used his deployment money to help the homeless. While he was home on leave, he purchased products to fill more than 200 bags, which included a new pair of socks, personal hygiene products, water, and snacks. "The reason I wanted to do this gift-giving project was to show people that you don't have to have a lot to give a little," said Lumpkin.

Resale Store Refuses to Give Homeless Man a Coat, Woman Opens Free Shop in Response

A little store in a Hollister, Missouri shopping center is offering the basic needs -- clothing, hygiene items and baby supplies -- at incredible prices. They're all free. The shop, called Selfless Blessings, was started by Andrea Berdine after she witnessed a thrift store turning away a man who asked if he could have one of their coats. He wasn't asking for money, she told KY3 news. He was cold, and he was wet, and he needed a coat.

Girlfriends Do the Unthinkable for Friend with Cancer

South African Girda McKenna asked her friends for just one thing after she was diagnosed with cancer. She wanted them to sit together for a photograph. The portrait turned into something much more, blessing her with a memory of true friendship, when all the ladies decided to do something unforgettable.

Winnipeg Woman Marks One Year of Baking, Giving Bread to Hungry

Over the last year Althea Guiboche has run out of money and run out of baking supplies, but she has never stopped giving away free bread and soup to the city's homeless every week. The aboriginal mother of seven was even forced by the province to become trained in food-handling if she wanted to continue, but now she has an official certificate and she cooks inside a commercial kitchen at the community center -- all toward the goal of becoming more compassionate and giving.

How Much Longer Can One Man Feed Millions?

It was in 1984 that John Jacko Garrett, age 70, first began donating a portion of his harvest each year to charity. Today, the second-generation rice farmer from Danbury, a tiny farm town of 1,700 southeast of Houston, is a legend. He's a legend thanks to the almost six million pounds of rice he's donated to the Houston Foodbank, and the millions upon millions of free meals created from that rice.

Store Manager Gives Man a Trailer After Fire Destroys Home

William Berkshire lost his home and everything in it after his travel trailer went up in flames outside of Roy's General Store in Traverse City, Michigan. The store's manager felt so bad for the now homeless guy known as Mountain Man, he gave him a rarely used camper trailer so he would have somewhere to live. Hentschel posted the news on the store's Facebook Page and asked others to help too. Within two days, Mountain Man had clothes, bedding and boots and dishes. American Waste also donated a dumpster for him to use as he cleans up the rubble.

School's Tidal Wave of Thanks For Old Lady Who Waves Every Day

For years, Tinney Davidson has nestled into a chair every morning in her sunny front window and waved to the high school teenagers as they walked to school -- and she would resume her energetic waving in the afternoon, on their walk home, bringing a smile to their lips even on their worst days. On Valentines Day last Friday, the 84 year-old woman in Comax, British Columbia received the surprise of her life when students escorted her to a school assembly organized with the sole goal of thanking her for her years of friendliness.

Pizza Man With Heart Funds Elderly Meals Program

The owner of Fox's Pizza, Tom Wynkoop, who earned media attention in early January after he volunteered to deliver their medicines to any homebound residents during an extreme snow storm in Pennsylvania, received many donations in the mail from strangers who heard about the gesture. Wynkoop thought about positive avenues in which to distribute the money, and he chose the local Meals on Wheels program, which delivers hot meals to shut-ins. He then matched the donations, doubling the amount of the check to $2,000.

College Student Shocked by the Food the Cafeteria Threw Away Decides to Do Something

Ben Simon, a senior at the University of Maryland happened to be in the cafeteria around closing time and saw the amount of food being dumped in the trash. He asked if he and his friends could donate the leftovers, and they said, Sure. That was his first food delivery, in September 2011. Thus began the Food Recovery Network, which has diverted 271,000 meals to churches and shelters that feed hungry people.

Guy Asks Homeless People What They Want for Christmas, Then, Buys It

While most of us want the nicest clothes or the biggest TV for the holidays, there are a lot of people who just need the basics like food and clothing. So, instead of shopping for people who already have a lot... the anonymous man decided to spend his money shopping for people who don't have much at all.

Couple Stranded in Snow for a Week Wrote Farewell Letters

A Wisconsin couple on vacation huddled together for days eating what food they'd brought in the car after they became trapped in deep snow on a closed pass near Yellowstone Park in Wyoming. Fearing her life might be over, Kris Wathke used notebook paper stowed in her purse to write letters to all her loved ones telling them how much they meant to her.

Rivers' Garbageman Named CNN Hero of the Year!

Worth Sharing is thrilled that a young man we've reported on for years, who has removed more than seven million pounds of garbage from America's beloved rivers, has been named the 2013 CNN Hero of the Year. With so many outstanding individuals nominated for the award, each creating miracles for so many people, it is the humble garbageman and defender of the Earth, Chad Pregracke, who takes home this year's $250,000 prize, after five weeks of online voting. WATCH the gala ceremony this Sunday on CNN.

She Planned 22 Acts of Kindness For Her 22nd Birthday; What's on Her List?

She's a nursing major in college so we already knew she wanted to help people, but Hillary Sadlon poured on the kindness for others even on a day when she could have been pampering herself. After seeing someone post online about how they did it, the Seton University senior spent months planning how she could be kind, generous and thoughtful on her upcoming birthday and made a giant list called, Hillary's 22 Random Acts of Kindness for Her 22nd Birthday."

The Best Cab Ride of My Life

I was in a cab heading home from O'hare airport – a journey I make with regularity - when I noticed it. The sign. It was perfectly posted on the back side of the driver's seat and front passenger's seat, inviting Muslim and Jewish riders to help themselves to kosher and halal snacks as a kindness for weary travelers.