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Couple Stranded in Snow for a Week Wrote Farewell Letters

Couple Stranded in Snow for a Week Wrote Farewell Letters
A Wisconsin couple on vacation huddled together for days eating what food they'd brought in the car after they became trapped in deep snow on a closed pass near Yellowstone Park in Wyoming. Fearing her life might be over, Kris Wathke used notebook paper stowed in her purse to write letters to all her loved ones telling them how much they meant to her.

A Wisconsin couple on vacation huddled together for days eating what food they'd brought in the car after they became trapped in deep snow on a closed pass near Yellowstone Park in Wyoming.

Fearing her life might be over, Kris Wathke used notebook paper stowed in her purse to write letters to all her loved ones telling them how much they meant to her.

The couple ran the car every four hours in frigid temperatures to get warm while preserving the battery and save gas.

Fortunately, on their sixth day, rancher Troy Barnett, whose wife read on Facebook that the couple was missing, decided to board his snowmobile and look for them.

(WATCH the video or READ the full story from ABC News via Yahoo)

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