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School's Tidal Wave of Thanks For Old Lady Who Waves Every Day

School's Tidal Wave of Thanks For Old Lady Who Waves Every Day
For years, Tinney Davidson has nestled into a chair every morning in her sunny front window and waved to the high school teenagers as they walked to school -- and she would resume her energetic waving in the afternoon, on their walk home, bringing a smile to their lips even on their worst days. On Valentines Day last Friday, the 84 year-old woman in Comax, British Columbia received the surprise of her life when students escorted her to a school assembly organized with the sole goal of thanking her for her years of friendliness.

For years, Tinney Davidson has nestled into a chair every morning in her sunny front window and waved to the high school teenagers as they walked to school — and she would resume her energetic waving in the afternoon, on their walk home, making them smile even on their worst days.

On Valentine's Day, the 84 year-old woman in Comax, British Columbia received the surprise of her life when students escorted her to a school assembly organized with the sole goal of thanking her for her years of friendliness.

She received a rock star's welcome, was given a big basket of homemade valentines, and watched a video up on a big screen showing teens expressing how much she meant to them.

"I just liked the look of the children," said Tinney, explaining how it started in 2007 when she and her late-husband started waving to the kids.

"I love it," she explained the team from Chek News. "And, they seem to love it also."

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