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Yarn Bombing Movement Spreads to Share Scarves, Hats in Public Places

"Chase the Chill" has become a social media movement that inspires people to leave warm scarves, often with a note, in public places for anyone to take. Scarves draped on trees, posts, signs, and other public locations first appeared in downtown Easton, Pennsylvania, in the fall of 2010, but the practice has spread to cities throughout the US and Canada.

Homeless Man's Random Act Of Kindness Spurs Reddit Love

This homeless man found a bunch of my wife's stolen property strewn all over downtown Tulsa, wrote a user called anitasanger on Reddit. He took the time to gather it all up in the rain and call us for retrieval. I just want to recognize him as an awesome human being.

NYC Programmer Offers to Teach Bright Homeless Guy to Code

Every day on his way to work Patrick McConlogue passes a young man who lives on the streets. Last week, McConlogue, a New York City entrepreneur, programmer and designer, decided to offer the man a choice: Either he could accept $100 in cash, or he could learn how to code and be given three books on JavaScript, a used laptop and free lessons for one hour each day.

Kentucky Facebook Users Rally to Help Homeless Woman Find Shelter in Cold

Over the years, a homeless woman known as Dorothy with her carts filled with plastic bags became a familiar fixture to Lexington residents. She had always refused any invitation to accept shelter, preferring to sleep outside, whatever the weather. But things changed this past weekend, with the approaching arctic blast and its promise of temperatures that could induce frostbite.