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Outdoor Cinema for the Homeless Offers Great Escape in Films

Outdoor Cinema for the Homeless Offers Great Escape in Films
A charity is treating one city's homeless population to movie nights this summer. They were served a meal and helped choose the film for the next screening.

Summers are full of blockbuster films and even Moscow's homeless are getting to enjoy movie nights this year.

Friends of the Streets, a Russian charity, has set up a makeshift movie theater in a tent next to a homeless center. They're letting the city's homeless decide which movies they feature this summer.


Around 100 people showed up for the first screening, a popular 1965 slapstick comedy called "Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures."

As volunteers served hot meals and tea outside the cinema in a tent on opening night, Armen Veprev snapped a photo inside and proudly tweeted, "In Moscow, the first theater for the homeless," as the show got underway.

В Москве появился первый кинотеатр для бездомных. Он теперь располагается на улице Краснопрудная на площадке пункта… pic.twitter.com/2rBSDQv1PA

In an effort to help the homeless have more mainstream lives, Friends of the Streets plans to show at least one movie a month. The group has also opened a hair salon for the homeless and is organizing a soccer match for them this weekend.

"More than anything we have a dream to change attitudes towards homeless people, because they are often abused and mistreated, and it is very hard for them to live," Natalia Markova, a volunteer with the charity told RT News.

(READ more at RT News) Photo: (top) Kevitivity, (homepage) Sam Javanrouh, CC – Story tip from Jesse James

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